After the sultry days of extreme heat comes the refreshing rain, a much-awaiting welcome change. The rain is indeed beautiful for people all across. But, we certainly cannot overlook the concerns that school students experience during this muddy season. There are several safety concerns associated with the monsoon, especially when it comes to school students. Aravali International School, one of the top international schools in Haryana, throws light on how students can ensure their safety, prosperity, and sanity by following just a few simple steps. 

Essential Rain Gear Listed by Aravali International School

  • Waterproof Backpack and Raincoat: As one of the top schools in Greater Faridabad, the faculties always emphasize bringing essential rain gear. Purchase a high-quality, waterproof backpack to keep your possessions dry during your commute to and from school. Similarly, a reliable raincoat with a hood is vital for staying dry during unexpected downpours.
  • Robust and Waterproof Footwear: To avoid slipping on damp areas, choose robust shoes with good grip. Consider wearing footwear with a slight tread to avoid getting soaked in puddles.
  • Umbrella (Optional): While not everyone enjoys umbrellas, having a compact, collapsible umbrella on hand might be useful for unexpected rain during outdoor activities.

Road Safety Instructions to Follow

  • Plan Your Commute: Heavy monsoon rains may affect public transportation schedules. The top schools in Faridabad always recommend engaging in proper discussion regarding alternative commuting choices with parents or guardians, such as carpooling or taking a taxi, particularly during peak hours.
  • Walking Safety: If you must walk to school, take known and well-lit routes. Avoid taking shortcuts across flooded areas or soggy pathways. Walk carefully, avoiding puddles and slick areas.
  • Cycling Safety: If you cycle to school, make sure your bike is in good working order, particularly the brakes and lights. Avoid cycling during heavy rains when visibility is low.

Staying Healthy During Monsoons: Hygiene and Immunity 

  • Washing Hands Regularly: It has been observed that during monsoon season the rate of waterborne diseases tends to rise. Ensure to wash your hands with clean water and soap before having a meal, after touching the washroom and any other surface that may have been contaminated. As one of the leading international schools in Haryana, Aravali International School encourages students to maintain proper health and cleanliness all year round, but even more so during this monsoon. 
  • Maintaining a Balanced Diet: Eating particular kinds of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should be encouraged as part of the prevention against seasonal infections. Bring healthy meals to school so that your body can get all the nutrients that can help gain strength. 
  • Staying Hydrated: The task of staying hydrated may seem somewhat counterintuitive during the monsoon, but it is necessary. Stay hydrated with clean, filtered water and consume it frequently throughout the day to help rid the body of toxins. 

School Precautions: How Aravali International Promises Student Safety 

The safety and well-being of students are of paramount importance at Aravali International School, Faridabad. Here are some measures undertaken by one of the top schools in Greater Faridabad during the monsoon season:

  • Regular Maintenance: We check whether drainage systems are properly working in order to avoid the formation of pools of water within the school compounds. 
  • Designated Shelters: During sporadic rainfall, there are specific rainproof spaces where students can take refuge until the rain is over. 
  • Awareness Campaigns: Awareness campaigns are also conducted within the school compound to ensure students are friendly with monsoon practices such as safety, hygiene, and health practices during this season. 
  • Open Communication: Regarding our communication with parents and guardians, we regularly update them about the weather situation and any school cancellations due to rainfall.

Monsoon Fun: Embracing the Season While Staying Safe

Aravali International also places emphasis on how one can relish the weather without worrying about safety and health. The monsoon season doesn't have to be all about precautions. Here are some ways to enjoy the season:

  • Creative Indoor Activities: Engage in creative indoor activities like reading, playing board games, or pursuing artistic hobbies. Aravali International offers a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs that can keep students engaged during rainy days.
  • Indoor Sports: Play indoor sports like badminton, table tennis, or basketball to stay active and release pent-up energy when outdoor games might be restricted due to rain. The school provides excellent indoor sports facilities for students to utilize.
  • Enjoy the View: Watch the rain from the comfort of your classroom or a covered area. Appreciate the beauty of the changing landscape and the refreshing scent of the wet earth.


By following these simple tips and collaborating with the school's safety measures, students at Aravali International School, Faridabad, can navigate the monsoon season with confidence. Remember, a little preparation and awareness go a long way in ensuring a safe, healthy, and enjoyable monsoon experience.