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"While educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts" - Dalai Lama

These inspiring words of the Dalai Lama serve as a cornerstone of our Chairman's beliefs, guiding the Aravali Educational Group’s mission from vision to reality. He believes that students are the heart and soul of the school and advocates their holistic development through the transformation of experiences into knowledge. He believes that emphasis should be laid on active experimentation, keen observation of self and surroundings and clear understanding of the abstract and concrete concepts by the students.

He believes his team of educationists including school leaders and teachers, must be so aligned with the shared vision that everyone works together to reduce the gaps between the real and the ideal, aiding decision making, attracting and motivating talent, maintaining focus, instilling strategic leadership and thus creating a lasting legacy.


Deepti Menon – Head of Curriculum and Training

In today's ever-evolving world, education extends far beyond the confines of textbooks and exams. Ms. Deepti Menon, firmly believe that schools must serve as crucibles for not only academic excellence but also for fostering socio-emotional skills and empowering our children to become active agents for positive change.

She champions the creation of safe, student-centered learning environments where children feel valued, explore their identities, and develop empathy and critical thinking.

This foundation equips them to navigate life's complexities with confidence and make a positive impact.

Data-driven decision-making lies at the heart of our approach, ensuring curriculum and teaching methods effectively equip students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need.

She emphasizes continuous professional development, empowering teachers with the latest research and best practices to create classrooms that are nurturing, inclusive, dynamic, and impactful, preparing students to become the changemakers of tomorrow.

She advocates partnerships with the community such that the partnership not only supports personalised student learning but also nurtures collaboration and reflective practices essential for achieving shared learning goals.

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